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Todd Wilber is the president of Precision Explosives and has worked for over 20 years in counterterrorism as a responder, researcher, policy writer and senior manager. He responded to various incidents at the local, national and transnational levels. His experience includes battlefield firsthand experience with improvised explosives and IEDs. He conducted research on various improved explosives and developed novel render safe procedures for IEDs as well as nuclear devices. Mr. Wilber is completing work on new, broad use desensitization solutions and techniques for powdered primary explosives. He has worked in U.S. Army Special Operations, additionally as a program manager and researcher at the national labs. A Senior Energy Official for real-world emergencies, and contractor for State Department leading indigenous personnel in explosives hazard mitigation during combat operations. Other duties include providing senior management direction for the overall safety, security and environmental compliance for the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center. As an adjunct professor, he worked with graduate students and faculty to characterize primary explosives and develop safing solutions.
Purpose of the Course
K9 Handlers will learn basic explosive terminology and characteristics hazards and safety precautions.
Specific Objectives
-Components of Explosives and identification of homemade explosives and devices
-Identify hazards (unattended abandoned and suspicious)
-Post Blast with K9
-Imprint confirmation of constituent odors
Method of Instruction
This class is an 8-hour course broken down into two parts. The morning part of the class will be conducted in a classroom setting and then the afternoon will be conducted in the field with real explosives.
Schedule of Topics
-Basic Explosives (classroom)
o Terminology, Components of a device, and how explosives work.
o The dos and don’ts for safety and storage
o Current Transnational and Domestic Threats
o Explosive Chemistry
o Breakdown of components in commercial and military grade explosives and how
it effects what your K9 is identifying. o Range safety
-Range Exercises
o Can your K9 identify constituent odors? o Homemade and Peroxide Explosives
-Make and detonate homemade Explosives, hammer test peroxide explosives.
-Post Blast
o How to handle a post blast scenario with your K9 focus on acclimation of dog to
post blast site and searching for secondary’s.
-Duty Gear
-Long line
-Note taking material